Najboljši Lobster Roll
Prava harmonija okusov

Doživite okus najboljših lobster rollov pripravljenih sveže samo za vas.

A close-up of a beautifully prepared lobster roll placed on a white disposable tray with a fork and napkin beside it. The roll contains chunks of lobster meat garnished with a slice of lemon. Another lobster roll is blurred in the background, all set on a wooden table.
A close-up of a beautifully prepared lobster roll placed on a white disposable tray with a fork and napkin beside it. The roll contains chunks of lobster meat garnished with a slice of lemon. Another lobster roll is blurred in the background, all set on a wooden table.

Svež, okusen, pristen,...


Ravnovesje okusov

Mnenja o popolni pripravi lobster rolla so deljena – nekateri prisegajo na maslo in minimalno začimb, drugi imajo raje rahlo prelivanje z majonezo. Za nas je ključno, da pride do izraza naravni okus jastoga, zato smo združil oba pristopa in ustvaril popolno ravnovesje. Rezultat? Po našem mnenju najboljši Lobster Roll!

A plate holds a lobster roll filled with lobster meat and lettuce alongside a serving of golden brown French fries. In the background, a white bowl on a saucer and a tall glass of water is visible. The setting appears to be a casual dining table with soft natural lighting.
A plate holds a lobster roll filled with lobster meat and lettuce alongside a serving of golden brown French fries. In the background, a white bowl on a saucer and a tall glass of water is visible. The setting appears to be a casual dining table with soft natural lighting.

Načini priprave

Doživite avtentičen okus najboljših lobster rollov iz Nove Anglije s svežimi sestavinami.

A meal consisting of lobster roll with a toasted bun and lobster filling, accompanied by a metal cup of French fries on the right and a small salad with mixed greens and red onion slices on the left. The dishes are arranged on branded paper.
A meal consisting of lobster roll with a toasted bun and lobster filling, accompanied by a metal cup of French fries on the right and a small salad with mixed greens and red onion slices on the left. The dishes are arranged on branded paper.

Priprava lahko vključuje maslo, limonin sok, sol in črni poper, ponekod pa maslo nadomestijo z majonezo. Nekatere različice vključujejo še nasekljano zeleno ali mlado čebulo, za popolno doživetje pa ne smejo manjkati ocvrt krompirček ali krompirjev čips kot priloga.

Če ste ljubitelj morskih dobrot, je Lobster Roll nepogrešljiv užitek, ki združuje svežino morja in čar preproste kuhinje.

Lobster roll je bil izjemno svež in okusen, popolnoma dopolnjen s hrustljavimi pomfriji. Močno priporočam!

Lara K.

A gourmet dish featuring a lobster on top of seasoned fish and greens, elegantly plated with a creamy sauce. A glass of white wine accompanies the meal, set against an outdoor backdrop with blurred foliage and a stone railing.
A gourmet dish featuring a lobster on top of seasoned fish and greens, elegantly plated with a creamy sauce. A glass of white wine accompanies the meal, set against an outdoor backdrop with blurred foliage and a stone railing.
A gourmet dish featuring lobster pieces arranged on a beautifully patterned plate. The lobster is complemented by sprinkles of poppy seeds and is garnished with vibrant sauces and microgreens.
A gourmet dish featuring lobster pieces arranged on a beautifully patterned plate. The lobster is complemented by sprinkles of poppy seeds and is garnished with vibrant sauces and microgreens.
